In the first nine months of 2020, there were 464,437 new babies welcomed across the UK, according to the Office for National Statistics . That\’92s more than one baby every minute! If you\’92re among these new parents, or know someone that is, you\’92ll know that there\’92s a lot to do \’96 including taking some financial steps to protect your family.

1. Review your budget

With a new baby, your day-to-day outgoings will change, so it\’92s worth reviewing your budget. How will your everyday expenses change, and what one-off purchases will you need to make? You should also think about how costs will change in the next few years. For example, do you need to factor in childcare costs?

Budgeting isn\’92t a task most of us look forward to, but it can help ensure both your short- and long-term goals stay on track.

2. Reassess your insurance policies

Welcoming a child can shift your priorities and concerns. As a result, taking a look at existing insurance policies, as well as considering if new ones are now appropriate, should be a step you take. It can provide peace of mind and financial security, even when the unexpected happens.

If you already have insurance policies in place, you should review these to ensure they cover your child. These may include private health insurance. You should also check that policies reflect your current circumstances. For example, does a life insurance policy provide enough cover that your loved ones would be financially secure if something happened to you?

3. Update your will

If you don\’92t already have a will in place, now is the time to write one. Even if you do have a will, it\’92s worth updating it to reflect your new arrival.

Writing a will is the only way to ensure your assets are distributed in the way you want when you pass away. For parents, it\’92s also where you assign a guardian for your child if the worst were to happen. It\’92s not something anyone wants to think about, but if no guardian has been appointed, a court will decide a child\’92s fate. It could mean your child\’92s guardian is someone they don\’92t know well, or the situation may cause conflict between family members. Despite how important a will is, 48% of parents with a child under the age of 18 don\’92t have one in place, according to Will Aid .

4. Open a Junior ISA

It\’92s never too soon to start saving for your child\’92s future. A Junior ISA (JISA) is a tax-efficient way to save or invest on behalf of your new child.

Each tax year, you can contribute up to \’a39,000 to a JISA. This can either be saved into a Cash JISA, with savings earning interest, or a Stocks and Shares JISA, where the money is invested. A JISA is a useful way to build up a nest egg for your child that could help them reach milestones, from going to university to buying their first car.

You will need to decide between Cash or Stocks and Shares. JISAs will usually offer more competitive interest rates than their adult counterparts but may still be lower than inflation, meaning the savings will fall in value in real terms. In contrast, investing through a Stocks and Shares JISA could deliver higher returns, but there is also risk. It\’92s important you take a long-term view of risk and select investments that are appropriate for your goals.

Keep in mind, money placed in a JISA cannot be accessed until the child turns 18.

5. Apply for Child Benefit

Child Benefit is paid by the government to support parents or guardians. For an eldest or only child, it is \’a321.15 per week, and for additional children it is \’a314 per child per week. If you or your partner\’92s individual income is over \’a350,000, you may be taxed on the benefit, which is known as the \’93High Income Child Tax Benefit Charge\’94. You lose all of the benefit if you earn over \’a360,000.

However, if you or your partner is a high earner, you should still apply for Child Benefit, even if you won\’92t benefit financially. Claiming Child Benefit for a child under 12 will mean you receive National Insurance credits. These will count as qualifying years when your State Pension is calculated. You need 35 qualifying years to receive the full State Pension. So, if you\’92re taking a career break to raise children, applying for Child Benefit can ensure your retirement stays on track.

Reflecting your growing family in your financial plan

As your family grows, your plans may change too. We\’92re here to help you reflect new goals or concerns in your financial plan. Get in touch with us today to discuss how you can create a financially secure future for your family.

Please note: This blog is for general information only and does not constitute advice. The information is aimed at retail clients only.

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